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Further Expounding On Some Amazing Life-Improving Tricks

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5 min read
Aug 29

Tim Denning has drafted another wonderful article, this time offering 32 life-improving habits. Just like anything, this list is hardly scratching from the surface. Each person could keep adding more points to their own unique list as they learn life lessons each day. Additionally, just as with any life insights these 32 premises certainly may not apply to every situation. Here I will expound on a few of these and perhaps even throw in a little critique here and there. And if I venture to situations where some of these insights do not apply — or instances where the contrary point is also true — this will only help further elucidate their value.

Yes, writing online or through numerous digital platforms is an essential way to build an audience, hone your craft, and attracting opportunities. But to grow as a writer and keep drawing in readers, don’t forget traditional methods. A large percentage of people in the U.S. (and other countries for sure) still prefer to peruse print books and materials. Also, magazines, newspapers, and other publications are still around but just primarily in online format. So, those traditional norms of writing etiquitte like citing sources and using proper grammar, punctuation, and mechanics are still essential.

But aren’t there so many amazing podcasts out there? Spotify alone has over five million! And just to think that number would hardly be scratching the surface of all the related broadcast services that have been generated throughout the ages! To keep expanding our horizons, we all need quite a large dose of other viewpoints, domains, and worlds beyond our own. But at the same time, we don’t want to lose sight of our own unique perspective and voice. So that quiet time of reflection is also key. Perhaps we can balance it out. Listen to podcasts for a large part of our private time, but then make sure to dedicate at least an equal measure of time to self-reflection. Or maybe we can delegate unique blocks of time to our favorite means of immersing in other worlds and then other blocks to self-reflection. Shower time for thinking and reflecting, walk-time for podcasts or favorite music.

This one requires balance as well. On the one hand you have the famous maxim(attributed to Saint Augustine and others): “the world is a book, and those who don’t travel only read one page.” On the other hand, few would disagree with the wisdom offered by Marcus Tullius Cicero: “the soil of their native land is dear to all the hearts of mankind.” Many people leave their native lands and travel to far distances. Others never wander far from the world they grew up in, planting their roots deep in familiar ground for a lifetime. It really just depends on the person’s own life journey and calling.

Yes, for certain! We spend eight hours or more per day working we should be able to fully rest those eight hours or more every night. But life doesn’t always offer us this. Family obligations, necessary tasks, and just business as usual can keep us up late at night and demand far too early mornings. To catch up on rest and renewal, be sure to take time away from life as usual once in awhile. Nothing is wrong with an occasional personal day or even the highly coveted afternoon getaway. And who says you cannot sleep in once in awhile or catch a few snoozes during an afternoon nap!

Well, that may be true for many goals. But other things are just plain difficult with a whole level of complexity. Googling may just make it worse. Don’t be afraid to reach out for help, make use of available resources in your community, or ask an expert. If you didn’t enroll in your school’s elective shop class, take your car in for oil changes or call roadside assistance to change a flat tire. (I have learned the hard way that trying to change it yourself will make it worse). Most of us didn’t spend several additional years in graduate or professional education, so we should see a medical specialist for our healthcare. The pain in your back may be more severe than a sprained muscle, so let a specialist take a look. Constant feelings of sadness, anxiety, or depression will not easily be solved by uplifting social media pages, so mental health professionals can offer some of the best help in the world. Even do-it-yourself home projects can derail too quickly. I will not share how many devices I purchased online to unplug a bathroom drain. Call in the plumbers, they had the advanced tools and knowledge to complete in a half hour what I had been attempting for months.

I haven’t flown too often in life. But another thing might be taking a nap. What’s wrong with taking a nap on the flight? I guess if you have the window seat and sleep the whole time, that can be perceived as extremely rude(but if day starts off super early and includes hours waiting in layovers, how can you not sleep?). One other thing would be just to look ahead and reflect. This is an ideal time for that self-reflection and pondering.

Yes, indeed. And is it not wondrous that every person in the world could come up with their own distinct list of life hacks plus keep adding to and modifying it every day? We are always barely scratching from the surface of these unboundedly complex and ever-mysterious questions related to living life and existence in general. What other tricks and insights might each of us share?