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Nourishing skin naturally vs wearing makeup to look beautiful

Published in
7 min read
Sep 07

Written by:

Uzma yousaf

Real beauty is your natural beauty. Makeup is not a bad thing but it should be used only to enhance your natural looks instead of giving you a layer of artificial beauty.

Key points:

· Makeup should be used just as an enhancer of your original beauty.

· We should focus on nourishing our skin naturally instead of giving it a fake layer.

· Makeup for sure adds to our good looks and we feel confident subsequently, but this is temporary. Actual confidence develops when we embrace our natural skin.

· If we don’t choose and use a cosmetic product wisely, then it can cause disaster to our skin.

· As an additional impact of corona virus pandemic, women’s attention from running after makeup has been shifted toward adopting a natural skincare routine.

Impact on our personality:

Looking beautiful is one of those several elements that play role in constructing our self confidence. This is the major reason why especially women are crazy about wearing makeup. But the problem is that when we rely on makeup for appearing as an attractive person, it detaches ourselves from self love and self empowerment.

We become habitual of feeling better and empowering ourselves with self confidence by covering our face with this temporary beauty layer, which doesn’t let us realize the need to work on our inner and actual fears as well as insecurities. And when we don’t work on them, they remain there. No matter how hard we try to appear with our real skin in front of people, the fear of being judged by others remain intact. But once we do the courage of showing our bare face, we start coming out of those fears and perceive other dimensions to feel joy and satisfaction.

Developing self acceptance in ourselves is more like achieving a milestone that we cannot achieve in a day or two. It develops slowly but we need to keep working on it. A brave step like uploading our photo with our natural skin in our social media group could be the first step towards achieving this milestone. Practicing such exercise will not let our insecurities disturb us and make us able to deal with them more confidently.

Accept your real self:

By saying all this I don’t mean that meeting people with your bare face is the only sign of being self empowered and self confident, or using make up for the sake of feeling better is a bad thing. It depends on why we are using it. We need to analyze whether we are doing this for our self as passion or the purpose is gaining others approval about our beauty.

We should train our youngsters in their growing years to accept them the way they are. By coating our face with artificial beauty, can push them towards living a filtered life and lose their determination to oppose social pressure.

For people who are habitual of wearing makeup find it very hard to not wear it. The reason of their difficulty is that throwing away the mask of unnatural beauty makes them uncomfortable.

Hiding our natural skin by using make up has some positive aspects also. For instance, it provides us a shelter against our insecurities. However, it does not let our real self come out and we keep portraying our artificial side to the world. Using make up can undoubtedly help us managing our weak days. It provides us good energy in those times. But this is not the ultimate solution. Even so, it does not justify hiding our true appearance. Being your real self is the only solution for developing into a great personality.

Major reason of skin damage:

People usually believe that there are skin types like good skin or bad skins. If someone is struggling with a skin full of acne or if there are dry patches on the skin, then we tend to assume that the person has bad skin. This concept is not true. The reason why we are facing problems in our skin is that something has caused damage to our skin. Our task is to find out that cause.

There are pores on everyone’s skin that have absorbing tendencies in them. If we put something nutritional, our pores through the outer layer of our skin which is called epidermis, absorb that material and our skin becomes healthy. On the other side if we apply a material that contains chemicals or other detrimental elements as most of the makeup products have, then our skin will get damaged. The harmful elements in these products travel deep inside our skin and develop various types of skin conditions like skin inflammation, skin dryness or hyper pigmentation etc. Keeping our skin clean and toxin free is the best solution to avoid any type of skin damage.

Risk of developing cancer:

You must be surprised to know that using cosmetic products has strong link with skin cancer. The harmful chemicals that most of the cosmetic products have, can activate cancerous cells in an already cancer prone skin. It depends on our amount and frequency of exposure with these chemicals.

Link with skin aging:

Another damage that makeup products cause to our skin is premature aging. Aging happens when after a certain age our skin stops producing moisture and becomes dry. The same thing can happen before that certain age and make up products can be the reason in most of the cases. The detrimental elements that these products contain make a layer on our skin that serve as barrier between moisture and our real skin. This layer does not let moisture penetrate into our skin that gradually causes excessive dryness which ultimately results in premature aging.

Basically it’s not make up itself that cause wrinkles and sagginess. It’s the ingredients that a particular make up product is made off. If you are the one who has passion of using beauty products, then you must check out the ingredients before using.

Develop acne:

Make up directly has no link with developing acne. However, the way we use our makeup products can definitely cause acne. For instance, if we don’t have a proper cleansing routine before or after applying a make up product, then toxins of that product will block our skin pores and produce bacteria over there that will result in acne. Apart from this, not cleaning our makeup brushes properly or applying a make up product on our face with dirty fingers can also produce these bacterias. Adopting a healthy skincare daily routine is best solution to keep these damages away.

Growing skincare awareness after pandemic:

The repeated layers of corona virus pandemic has affected many aspects of people’s lives. As it confined them to their homes, people had plenty of time to do things that they were neglecting in the past. It changed people’s interests and way of living. Giving Priority to nourishment of our skin naturally for achieving beauty targets rather than depending on coating our face with make up products, is a major change that we can notice after this pandemic. As we all know, that people were restricted to their houses and reaching salons or cosmetic stores was nearly impossible. Moreover, after wearing safety mask that covered large area of our face, there was no need of applying makeup on our face.

For these reasons the habits of using make up took a new turn. Because of inaccessibility and extra free time people started thinking about natural ways and ingredients for beauty purpose, that were easily available at their homes. They started realizing the importance of nourishing our skin naturally. A huge decline in the selling of cosmetic products has been noticed since the pandemic arrival. A trend of adopting a healthy and natural skincare routine has been appeared. Instead of covering face with harmful cosmetic products, people have started working on making their skin naturally healthy and beautiful by home remedies or by medically proven serums. There is a growing awareness about the harmful effects of chemicals on our face, so people now do a little research about the ingredients before purchasing a certain product.

For one more reason, I consider people’s homes restriction due to pandemic, as blessing in disguise. And the reason is that mostly people have started living with their real skin. By covering their face with safety mask while going outside, they gradually took this courage to appear with their natural skin in front of other people. This has definitely induce some level of self-empowerment and self acceptance. These safety masks will not be wearing forever but it has permanently altered the way of living and priorities.


The purpose of this entire discussion is not that we should completely abandon wearing makeup. In fact wearing it occasionally is a good decision. We must keep our focus on embracing our real self and kick away our inner insecurities. As the first step toward this journey of self acceptance, we can try going out without makeup sometimes and continue this effort until we start feeling comfortable to show our natural skin to people. Loving our real self should always be our priority.