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We love you, San Francisco

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2 min read
Dec 13

A love letter from your new Bold Italic editors at GrowSF.

We love San Francisco, as millions have before us: both those born here and those who found their way over and made it home. We recognize the qualities, many obvious and many more not, that make the Bay Area a special place. It is truly one of a kind, incomparable, and unable to be imitated.

We love San Francisco, which is why we committed to living here, raising families, and building communities. We want San Francisco to be a place that can be home to anyone who wants it to be, irrespective of race, nationality, sexual orientation, or gender. We are excited and grateful to live here, and we want that same opportunity to be available to anyone else who wants it.

We love San Francisco, and we believe its best times are ahead. The last several years have been challenging, and the pandemic has taken its toll on all of us and our fair city. But the city came together in admirable ways and has demonstrated resilience and creativity. Through the hard work of people who love San Francisco we’ve gained outdoor dining, new parks, and slow streets. The dreamers and the doers, who are often the same in SF, came together to pull us through the hard times and to create the start of something better. We need to celebrate that hard work and say “Thank you, San Francisco!”

We love San Francisco, which is why GrowSF acquired The Bold Italic. We believe it is the perfect medium to share hope and inspiration with our fellow San Franciscans. The Bold Italic will continue to share those stories about what makes the Bay unique, fun, weird, sometimes incomprehensible, and always great. And we’ll keep The Bold Italic forward-looking: a way to share what we think San Francisco could become; a vision of what is possible. The Bold Italic won’t be a place for political fights anymore (there are plenty of other places to follow the politics of SF). Instead, it will be a place to celebrate the thing we all love: San Francisco.

We love San Francisco, and with your help we will continue to show that love through The Bold Italic by GrowSF.

Sachin Agarwal
Steven Buss